














  • 投资1000-2000美金,每个工作日分红2.55%,连续分红65个工作日,期末不返还本金
  • 投资2001-3000美金,每个工作日分红3.55%,连续分红65个工作日,期末不返还本金
  • 投资3001-5000美金,每个工作日分红4.55%,连续分红65个工作日,期末不返还本金
  • 最低投资5001美金,每个工作日分红5.55%,连续分红65个工作日,期末不返还本金
  • 最低投资3000美金,25个工作日后连本带利共返还555%
  • 最低投资1000美金,35个工作日后连本带利共返还655%
  • 最低投资20美金,75个工作日后连本带利共返还1555%
  • 最低投资10美金,每个工作日分红0.5%,无限期分红,不返还本金


直推会员数量 第一层佣金 第二层佣金 第三层佣金
1-300个 5% 2% 1%
301-500个 7% 2%
不低于501个 10% 2%


❶ 点击此链接完成注册:https://wise-income.com/?ref=hyiper

❷ 登录进账户,点击“DEPOSIT”按钮进入投资页面:


❸ 依次完成:点击意向投资计划上方的绿色Invest按钮 → 选择网银 → 输入投资金额 → compounding处保持数字0 → 点击SPEND转账完成投资即可:



HYIPer.net » 【SCAM】Wise-income.com投资简介:每个工作日分红0.5%

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  1. hyiper Hello hongwei. 2.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1915773.
  2. hyiper Dear Wang Hongwei! Funds have been credited to your balance. Transaction ID: 1907857 Date of transaction: 18.08.2023 14:52 Amount: 0.99 USD Note: Withdraw to hyiper from Wise-Income Limited
  3. hyiper Hello hongwei. 2.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1905927.
  4. hyiper Hello hongwei. 1.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1902278.
  5. hyiper Hello hongwei. 2.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1900142.
  6. hyiper Hello hongwei. 2.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1893260.
  7. hyiper Hello hongwei. 1.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1888629.
  8. hyiper Hello hongwei. 1.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1887474.
  9. hyiper Dear Wang Hongwei! Funds have been credited to your balance. Transaction ID: 1882949 Date of transaction: 04.08.2023 06:44 Amount: 2.97 USD Note: Withdraw to hyiper from Wise-Income Limited
  10. hyiper Hello hongwei. 3.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1864400.
  11. hyiper Hello hongwei. 3.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1869992.
  12. hyiper Hello hongwei. 2.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1877142.
  13. Hyip-zanoza.me hyip-zanoza.me 2023-07-24 07:53 Payment received +24 USDT transaction/d56473510c7b9a255bc4d22a1dc33cb68a004fb554b14f5afd958d0b747a8783
  14. hyiper Hello hongwei. 2.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1856827.
  15. Hyip-zanoza.me hyip-zanoza.me 2023-07-21 19:46 Payment received +10.1 USDT transaction/18b9a4628b97f4d2b08c9d139ab6ab28925e9c8b848132619123dac1612f3371
  16. Hyip-zanoza.me hyip-zanoza.me 2023-07-18 09:14 Payment received +34.4 USDT transaction/b5516a2b547be1d2a67c1b4e29817cbaba5712ee4a331cdc4660d6bb70708cea
  17. hyiper Hello hongwei. 2.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1852659.
  18. hyiper Dear Wang Hongwei! Funds have been credited to your balance. Transaction ID: 1846762 Date of transaction: 14.07.2023 08:40 Amount: 1.98 USD Note: Withdraw to hyiper from Wise-Income Limited
  19. Hyip-zanoza.me hyip-zanoza.me 2023-07-14 07:44 Payment from Wise Income received (affiliate+profit): 35.10 has been successfully sent to your Tether TRC20 account. transaction/3b150c28f2bb044c3a28b967f4a5ad052917edf6875d37258b984f3647d64417
  20. hyiper Hello hongwei. 2.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1836226.
  21. hyiper Hello hongwei. 2.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1841021.
  22. Hyip-zanoza.me hyip-zanoza.me 2023-07-11 08:30 Payment received (affiliate+profit): +14,95 USDT TRC-20 transaction/0b964e4e3d48f94b6c1fe3ffc2f64fa4795a5e76013b8343140dd402b087928f
  23. hyiper Hello hongwei. 1.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1822522.
  24. hyiper Hello hongwei. 2.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1819637.
  25. hyiper Hello hongwei. 1.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1813375.
  26. hyiper Hello hongwei. 3.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1801210.
  27. Hyip-zanoza.me hyip-zanoza.me 2023-06-30 06:37 Payment from Wise-income received: +9.7 USDT transaction/f0709d1581b0403e7aa1372359ec718a084afe167a40fa39dec63608a876a9ba
  28. hyiper Hello hongwei. 2.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1783432.
  29. HyipClub.club Выплата! Hyipclub.club + 10.75 Tether USDUSDT https://tronscan.org/#/transaction/6b0e02e8d326c58ca6a8e8b45281dd08df176f267b42fd0626b28b6f489b28d8
  30. hyiper Hello hongwei. 2.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1777430.
  31. hyiper Hello hongwei. 2.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1773438.
  32. HyipClub.club Выплата. Hyipclub.club + 9.5 Tether USDUSDT https://tronscan.org/#/transaction/3d372c0bc529b494bf269b895b9c3646186fe578f4f86b803089e556e4f75ea1
  33. hyiper Hello hongwei. 2.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1764129.
  34. hyiper Hello hongwei. 2.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1758748.
  35. Hyip-zanoza.me hyip-zanoza.me 2023-06-13 06:41 Payment received +10.7 USDT transaction/55ca28df771eedf241ade919e0b37e313ebd620f0af81461393ec2f0c15a0b98
  36. hyiper Hello hongwei. 1.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1752797.
  37. Hyip-zanoza.me hyip-zanoza.me 2023-06-09 07:16 Payment received +21.14 USDT transaction/bdc2d5b2a4b0a221ae9006f9f137b6665ff13048ddc926b2247661819a61efbd
  38. hyiper Hello hongwei. 1.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1747820.
  39. hyiper Hello hongwei. 2.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1746109.
  40. hyiper Hello hongwei. 1.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1741061.
  41. hyiper Hello hongwei. 4.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1732240.
  42. hyiper Hello hongwei. 2.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1722058.
  43. hyiper Hello hongwei. 2.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1710954.
  44. Hyip-zanoza.me hyip-zanoza.me 2023-05-24 19:32 Withdrawal $11.00 May-24-2023 11:24:49 AM Batch is 8346269fbd57ebfcde85cff72bd13d11eff95aababfd3180477b08f6ac401cce
  45. hyiper Hello hongwei. 2.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1707353.
  46. Hyip-zanoza.me hyip-zanoza.me 2023-05-21 07:52 Payment from Wise Income received 13.20 has been successfully sent to your Tether TRC20 account. Transaction batch is TQqYPnbSRu9NaiE8xb8hVyTF7dYmoT1cmC.
  47. HyipClub.club Платит! Hyipclub.club +10.75 Tether USDUSDT https://tronscan.org/#/transaction/c5f890694f76e607d5ed158e831538bbe0f17716001a299b20b3c8bc199404af
  48. hyiper Hello hongwei. 3.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1696819.
  49. Hyip-zanoza.me hyip-zanoza.me 2023-05-18 06:51 Payment from Wise Income received 10.20 has been successfully sent to your Tether TRC20 account. Transaction batch is TQqYPnbSRu9NaiE8xb8hVyTF7dYmoT1cmC.
  50. hyiper Hello hongwei. 2.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1689596.
  51. Hyip-zanoza.me hyip-zanoza.me 2023-05-16 06:03 Payment received 10.20 has been successfully sent to your Tether TRC20 account. Transaction batch is TQqYPnbSRu9NaiE8xb8hVyTF7dYmoT1cmC.
  52. hyiper Hello hongwei. 1.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1682760.
  53. Hyip-zanoza.me hyip-zanoza.me 2023-05-11 12:03 Deposit 200.00 Tether TRC20 to Wise Income Batch: f4952de5142f7266e73c6d4bb436a1b0adaeea4e706ff1fc6c369cd5cc47bdc3
  54. hyiper Hello hongwei. 2.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1677212.
  55. hyiper Hello hongwei. 1.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1673342.
  56. hyiper Hello hongwei. 50.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1666934.
  57. hyiper Hello hongwei. 1.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 1669721.